The Langdon Down Museum of Learning Disability at Normansfield Teddington, was the home and institution developed by the Victorian physician Dr John Langdon Down and his family where a revolutionary and enlightened approach was developed for the care of people with learning disabilities.
It shows exhibitions about the work of Dr John Langdon Down, Normansfield and the Royal Earlswood Asylum. On display are artifacts made by James Henry Pullen (1835–1916), a savant known as the Genius of Earlswood Asylum. This includes his ships, a model of Brunel’s Great Eastern, paintings and other objects.
The building also contains a Grade II* listed Victorian theatre. This rare example of a private theatre contains original painted scenery and other ornate fixtures and fittings.
The Langdon Down Museum of Learning Disability is owned and managed by the Down’s Syndrome Association.
The archive acquires and conserve artifacts, documents, photographs and other materials with historical importance.