The Langdon Down Museum is a member of the following organisations.
Association of Independent Museums
AIM is a national charitable organisation which connects, supports and represents independent museums, galleries and other organisations. Association of Independent Museums
The European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences (EAMHMS)
EAMHMS is an international organisation (reaching beyond Europe) connecting individuals and institutions who and which are professionally active or profoundly interested in all aspects of medical history collections and museums. Its fundamental goals are to share information and expertise, to fuel a creative exchange of experience and knowledge, and generate ideas to enable the development of joint projects in this field. With its networking and shared activities, EAMHMS strives to contribute substantially to shaping and furthering material culture in medical history. Visit the website.
London Museums of Health and Medicine
The go-to-guide for collections, libraries and expertise relating to the history of medicine. Visit one of London’s museums of health and medicine to discover extraordinary stories. From herbs, heart surgery and helicopter emergency services, to pharmacies, false teeth and forensic pathology, our museums provide remarkable insights into humanity’s age-long campaign for good health. London Museums of Health and Medicine
London Museums Group represents all London museums and those who work in them. It is open to paid workers, volunteers, freelancers from curators and cafe staff to directors and documentation assistants. Museums of London Group
The Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
SHLD, based in the School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care at The Open University, is committed to researching and disseminating learning disability history in ways which are inclusive of people with learning disabilities, their carers, relatives and advocates. Open University Social History of Learning Disability Group
Oral History Society
For more than thirty years the Oral History Society has played a leading role in the development of oral history, both in Britain and internationally. It is dedicated to the collection and preservation of oral history, and to making this accessible to everyone. Oral History Society