Volunteer Visits to the Langdon Down Museum

Buildings - Normansfield Main Centre  Web site Christmas card 300 dpi

A number of reciprocal volunteer visits have been organised as part from the Partnership for Excellence West London: Volunteering project.

Tour of Langdon Down Museum of Disability and Normansfield Theatre
Monday 30th November 2015 | 3.00pm – 5.00pm

If you are a volunteer in a museum, gallery or building please come to our volunteer event.

Learn about Langdon Down Centre and see the spectacular Normansfield Theatre! During the talk and tour you can find out about current projects and the interesting history and work of Dr John Langdon Down who brought an enlightened and revolutionary approach to the care of people with learning disabilities.

To book a place please contact Ian Jones-Healey at ian.jones-healey@downs-syndrome.org.uk