The Medical Student

As a student in the London Hospital he excelled himself. He had already acquired a greater knowledge of chemistry, materis medica, and physiology than most students in the medical school. One by one he collected an extraordinary series of hospital medals. In 1854 and 1855 he won the silver medals in junior surgery, chemistry, junior medicine, material medica and botany. He also won the medal in forensic medicine. In 1856 he won 4 gold medals, taking the gold medal in each of the senior classes in medicine, surgery and midwifery, and he was awarded the London Hospital Medal for the best overall student in his year. He did not rest on his laurels.

He took the basic medical qualification of Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries in 1856. For this he combined the London Hospital Training experience with a listed period of apprenticeship to his father. At the same time he took membership of the Royal College of Surgeons. He was now entitled to be registered and he was immediately successful in obtaining the post of Obstetric Resident at the London Hospital for six months. This appointment gave him free board and lodging, which must have been a source of relief to the Crellins, with whom he had lodged for three years. His appointment was renewed, renewed and renewed again by special reskolution. At his request he was given the title of medical tutor and he had the opportunity of collecting some fees for giving tuition outside of the College courses. During these two years he continued to study so that he could take the University of London degree in medicine, which he did in 1858. In the University he once again distinguished himself, taking gold medals in material medica, chemistry and physiology.